EITC & Business Support
Are you a business owner?
The state-operated Educational Improvement Tax Credit (EITC) Program awards tax credits to eligible businesses that make a contribution to an approved scholarship program (such as Shalom Christian Academy). These funds are then distributed in the form of scholarships to income-qualifying students.
If at any time you have questions, our dedicated partner, Redefined, is available to help make your participation easy. You can reach out to them via email at info@redefiningeducation.org or contact their office at 814.419.5505.
What documents do I need?
What if I live in Maryland, can I still participate?
If you live in Maryland, you are not eligible to participate, however we would appreciate it if you share the information with friends and family in Pennsylvania.
I have a unique tax situation, how can this work for me?
Our partner RedefinED is here to help walk you through your unique tax situation step by step. You can reach out to them via email at info@redefiningeducation.org or contact their office at 814.419.5505.
Why should I contribute if my income is over the maximum allowable amount?
All families benefit indirectly from EITC funds even if they don’t get a scholarship. Using these funds frees other funds to be used to close our budget gap and improve programming.
Will you save these funds?
These funds must be given as scholarships within 2 years. They cannot be saved or invested or redirected for other purposes.
Do I have to be a parent at the school or can anyone qualify to participate in the program?
Anyone who lives in Pennsylvania and pays Pennsylvania income taxes is eligible to participate.
My income fluctuates each year so I never know how much my PA income tax liability will be?
You can estimate on the low end of what you think your PA tax liability will be for the year. You can always change your amount (up or down) once you get your approval letter in the fall and you have a better idea what your PA tax liability will be for the year.
Do I have to give the exact amount of my previous year’s PA tax liability?
No, you can give any amount up to the amount of your previous year’s PA tax liability.