SCA Golf Tournaments

Two Tournaments, Two Exciting Ways to Support Our Mission

Shalom Christian Academy has two golf tournaments this year - two exciting ways to get involved in supporting our mission to Develop Lives of Consequence in the World for the Kingdom of God. The SCA Golf Tournament & Putting Contest is scheduled for August and the Shalom Alumni Scholarship Golf Tournament takes place in June. Join us for one tournament, or both! 

A light breakfast and full lunch is included in the registration fee. For club rules and regulations, visit "guest information” on

Questions? Contact: Jeryl Hoover: 717.375.2223 or

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24th Annual SCA Golf Tournament & Putting Contest

Join us at the Chambersburg Country Club on Thursday, August 29, 2024 for 

Shalom Christian Academy's 23rd Annual Golf Tournament & Putting Contest

Registration at 7:00 am
Shotgun Start at 8:00 am

This event is open to the community. Proceeds Benefit the SCA Athletic Department.

Registration will open later this year. 
Please consider becoming a sponsor for this tournament. 


3rd Annual Shalom Alumni Scholarship Golf Tournament

Join us at the Chambersburg Country Club on Monday, June 9, 2025 for 

3rd Annual Shalom Alumni Scholarship Golf Tournament

Registration at 7:00 am
Shotgun Start at 8:00 am

The event is open to the community - you do not need to be a Shalom alum to participate. Proceeds Benefit Shalom Christian Academy's Alumni Scholarship Fund.

Registration is open!
Please consider becoming a sponsor for this tournament. 


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Sponsorship and Registration

Foursome($100/golfer)    $400
Hole Sponsor                   $150
Foursome + Hole             $500
Bronze*                            $750
Silver*                              $1,250
Gold*                               $1,750
Platinum*                         $2,500

*Includes Foursome Registration

Shalom Alumni Scholarship Golf Tournament Registration & Sponsorship- 2025


Contact Personrequired
First Name
Last Name

If you're interested in being a sponsor for this tournament after June 1, please contact Mr. Hoover directly at Thank you. 

Please choose from the following:
Additional Sponsorship OptionsIf you're interested in a corporate sponsorship, please email
If you're interested in a corporate sponsorship, please email
Please list all golfer names here:
Golfer 1
First Name
Last Name
Golfer 2
First Name
Last Name
Golfer 3
First Name
Last Name
Golfer 4
First Name
Last Name

Payment Information

Please complete captcha below to proceed to payment selection.

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Billing Addressrequired
Cardholder Namerequired

golfers ride in golf carts