Service begins at the elementary level with each class completing a service project yearly.
These include stocking shelves at Maranatha Food Pantry (1st grade), visiting folks at Penn Hall (2nd grade), tying lap blankets (4th grade), holding a pajama drive for children involved with Women in Need (Kindergarten) or running the recycling program at Shalom (3rd grade). Our 2nd & 5th graders serve as small group leaders in their respective chapels. Fifth grade students set up chairs for chapel each week and serve as escorts during Grandparents Day. Our 4th and 5th grade students serve 1st graders by being Victory Drill listeners and reading partners.
The culmination of the elementary service work is an independent project in 5th grade. Students can choose from Pregnancy Ministries, Menno Haven, or the Cumberland Valley Relief Center to name a few. They must complete at least two - 1 hour service opportunities and then present their experience to the class and in chapel.