Shalom's core values are Servanthood, Community, and Academics. The following students have found a place at Shalom where they experience these values and more. Read their stories here -
High School Student Leaders
Samie, Carter, and Maisy all appreciate how the leadership programs at Shalom help them grow as individuals while fostering a positive and connected school community. For Samie, the program is about making a difference. “This program really allows me to take part in making high school a little more enjoyable for the student body. I get to be the voice for classmates and work with students across grades… The extra project we started taking on last year to improve screen time and mental health was really special to me.” Carter values the opportunity for personal growth. “It teaches you skills for communication and leadership. It’s forming better character for myself.”
Elementary Select Chorus
Mckinzee and Finley love being part of the select chorus program, where they can connect with others and express their passion for music. “I just really like singing and worshiping because I get to show everyone my talents and also help other people worship,” Mckinzee shared. She also enjoys the friendships formed in the group, saying, “A lot of people in the class are my friends, and we get to talk and hang out.”
For Finley, the program brings both challenge and joy. “I really like that select chorus adds complexity and an additional challenge to singing. My day is always better after I have select chorus. Singing with Mrs. Kauffman and the select chorus group always lifts my heart.”
Middle School Peer Mentors
Jenna, Isabel, Landon, and Emeric love being part of a unique program at Shalom that focuses on welcoming and assisting others. Jenna shared, “I am part of a group that helps new students feel welcome and helps visitors around the building. The program is special to me because it makes sure new students feel welcome and comfortable at school. It also helps visitors for special events find their way around the school more easily.”
Isabel appreciates the honor of representing her school. “I love that our school is selecting students to represent us,” she said. “I feel honored to be chosen to represent my school in this way.” For Emeric, the program is a meaningful way to give back. “I like helping people. Others helped me when I was new to school. Now I get to return the favor and help show others around. That makes me feel good. I like meeting new people and starting friendships with them.” Together, they highlight the importance of making others feel welcome and connected in Shalom’s community.
*Landon is part of this program but did not share his story by time of publication.
Elementary Rec League Basketball
Having fun, making friends, and representing their school make participating in elementary sports both a joyful and meaningful experience for Adalyn and Judah. “My dad is my coach. It is something fun we do together. He played basketball, and he is now teaching me the game," Adalyn shared. “It is a way I can enjoy playing the sport I love with my friends and teammates. I feel like I am honoring the school by giving it my all on the court as I represent Shalom Christian Academy."
Judah echoed her enthusiasm, saying, “I love playing competitive basketball, especially playing with my friends in Rec League, which is a lot of fun. I I love the competition and learning how to get better at the game. I like representing Shalom playing 5th grade basketball against other local teams in my town. I’m proud to represent my school.”
Elementary Artists
Christian and Delani love the art program at Shalom because it allows them to express their creativity and imagination while connecting with others. Christian said, “I love art because I get a chance to use my creativity and imagination… Art gives me a place to use my ideas and put them on paper through drawing. God created art, and He gave me the ability to also be an artist.” Christian also finds art class calming. “Art class helps me to focus better because it lets me share the ideas and imagination I have going on in my head. Art class helps me feel peaceful,” he said.
Delani enjoys the hands-on creativity of the program.“I love being creative, especially when I get to mix paint colors for my art projects. It’s so much fun to use my imagination and create something unique.” She also values the sense of belonging and pride she feels when her work is shared with others.“For Showcase, I feel like I’m part of Shalom when my art is on display for everyone to see. One thing that’s special to me is when my picture was chosen for the Dutchfest auction. It made me proud to see my art supporting my school.”
Middle School Athletics
Being a middle school athlete at Shalom is about more than just a game for Clare and Harper—it’s about making connections and growing their skills. “I’m grateful that I get to play with my best friends and compete starting at a young age. It makes me feel a part because I get to represent the school through sports. I love how my teammates are all caring and each one is unique in their own way,” said Clare.
Harper echoed this sentiment, saying, “I love the girls sports program because it offers physical play and competition. Our team is more than a team; we’re friends. I appreciate the activities outside of basketball for team building - we recently went caroling at a senior center as a team and we also celebrate at the end of each season.” For Harper, having her dad as her coach adds a special family connection. “Shalom offers a real chance for families to be a part of the school,” she said.
Senior Student Internships
Shalom works to offer students opportunities that go beyond the classroom, equipping them with life skills and hands-on experience. Many seniors have chosen half-day internships where they step into the professional world to learn and grow beyond a traditional classroom setting. By working outside of school, students not only expand their horizons but also begin to see how they can impact their communities and achieve their God-given potential. For one student, this program has been an eye-opening experience. Ethan, who is spending his semester at Monarch Manufacturing shared, "I get to learn new stuff and see how a small business is run and how much work it takes to do something like that.” Reflecting on his experience, he added, "I’m learning things that I wouldn’t in school and doing things that will help me later on in life."
Ruby, Caroline, and Cohen love the creativity, collaboration, and challenges they experience in their Makerspace program. For Ruby, the hands-on experimentation is exciting. “It’s a class that is fun to experiment with assignments. If we don’t get it right the first time, then we will have another week to retry.” Caroline appreciates the freedom and personal expression the program allows, sharing, “I love that I get to express myself in my creations. Also, that I have the freedom to build what I want and choose the materials I use. I like that the projects we make are only found at our school.”
The challenge is what makes the project rewarding for Cohen. “I really like the challenge of getting all the moving parts of our projects to work together correctly and to learn to code the Edison too. My favorite part is getting to try out my projects and enjoy them with my friends. It makes me proud to see my ideas work.”
Student School Store
Tim finds that helping run Shalom’s student school store is a fulfilling and meaningful experience. “I love the time I get to spend working with our school store. It is a great opportunity to interact with students and families,” he said. He enjoys connecting with the different people across the school community while also gaining valuable skills he will use beyond his time in high school. “I find it rewarding to sell our school’s merchandise while learning different aspects of how a business is run.”
High School Athletics
Being a high school athlete at Shalom offers Kaitlyn and Andrew more than just a chance to play the sports they love—it creates a sense of community and belonging. Kaitlyn shared, “I love the friendships and opportunities it brings me. This program makes me feel like I’m part of a community at Shalom. Something about this program that is special to me is the friendships that it has brought me.”
For Andrew, the supportive environment and camaraderie stand out. “I love the program because I feel the coaches truly care about the progression of the players and their future goals and push for us to excel as best we can. This program is a way for me to feel part of the school because I go out and win games and hang out with the guys on the team, building friendships that reward a sense of belonging to the school.”