teachers meeting together during faculty devotions

Business Directory

Do you own and or operate a business/service? 

Shalom Christian Academy would like to offer current Shalom families, alumni, and alumni families with businesses the opportunity to be represented to our school community.

Many families and friends ask us for a list of businesses that are represented within our school family. If you own/operate a business, please fill out the online form to be added to the Shalom Business Directory. Listings will feature your business name, address, website URL, contact details, and “about us” information.
Thank you!

The online directory will be published later in 2023.


Your Namerequired
First Name
Last Name
Type Of Business (Choose all that apply)requiredPlease select up to 8 choices
Please select up to 8 choices
Contact Preferencerequired

Business Directory

This site contains information and content supplied by third parties. Information contained herein regarding any specific person, business or service does not constitute or imply its endorsement, recommendation or favoring by Shalom Christian Academy, its administrators or employees.